CRAA Pro-Bono Services
Corporate Social Responsbility (CSR) is very important to us at CRAA. Our CSR policy functions as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby CRAA monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms.
In ensuring that we at CRAA abide by our CSR pledge, we have established;
Pro-bono services Department (See details below)
CRAA Academy with a responsbility of offering legal trainings to our community.
In the spirit of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, CRAA has established one of Uganda's leading law firm pro bono programs. Our pro bono commitment is key to who we are and is the reason why many of our lawyers have made their professional home here. We believe that all lawyers have a moral obligation to do pro bono work, and we strive to be the best there is.
Our commitment to pro bono is as broad as it is deep. We have no single "signature" project—our program is as diverse as the interests of our legal team and the needs of justice. We have a heavy load of "impact" cases. Our impact cases involve the death penalty, political asylum, election reform, and religious freedom, among many other areas.
This work sometimes involves representing unpopular clients whose cases can be the toughest ones our firm handles. But these are often the most meaningful cases our lawyers ever handle.
In addition to handling high-profile cases, we represent many disadvantaged individuals, such as;
Families facing wrongful eviction from real estate property or land.
Women who have been the victims of brutal domestic violence.
Wives who have been denied their inheritance rights on the death of a spouse.
People who have been wrongfully denied due legal process through long prison remands without conviction.
Our work covers the full range of our lawyers' skills, including transactional work and counseling for non-profits and non-governmental organizations.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
CRAA stands against Domestic Abuse

We encourage our lawyers to devote 15% of their time to pro bono work, and we make clear to all lawyers that we expect them to do this work. For we believe, in the words of Robert Kennedy, that while “few may have the greatness to bend history itself” each time an individual “stands up for an ideal, or works to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. And those ripples, crossing each other from a million centers of energy and daring, build a current that can sweep done the mightiest walls of resistance and oppression.”
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